Pub Module ===================== .. automodule:: .. autodata:: VERSION_API The pubsub API version. The only valid value currently is the integer 3. Previously, versions 1 and 2 API could also be activated in pubsub before importing pub, in which case pub.VERSION_API had the corresponding value. Sending Messages ------------------------------- Sending messages is achieved via the following function: .. autofunction:: sendMessage(topicName, **kwargs) The following exception may be raised when sending a message, if the message data does not comply with the Message Data Specification for the topic: .. autoexception:: SenderMissingReqdMsgDataError :show-inheritance: .. autoexception:: SenderUnknownMsgDataError :show-inheritance: **Advanced use:** The following would typically only be useful in special circumstances, such as if pubsub's default Publisher must be accessed, on or more separate instances of Publisher is required, and so forth. .. autofunction:: getDefaultPublisher .. autofunction:: getMsgProtocol() .. autoclass:: pubsub.core.Publisher :noindex: See :py:class:`pubsub.core.Publisher` for details. Receiving Messages -------------------- The following functions are available for controlling what callable objects (functions, methods, or class instances with a __call__ method) will get called when messages are generated: .. autofunction:: subscribe(listener, topicName) .. autofunction:: unsubscribe(listener, topicName) .. autofunction:: unsubAll(topicName=None, listenerFilter=None, topicFilter=None) .. autofunction:: isSubscribed The following exceptions are relevant: .. autoexception:: ListenerMismatchError :show-inheritance: .. autoexception:: MessageDataSpecError :show-inheritance: .. py:data:: AUTO_TOPIC Use this as default parameter in a listener's signature: the listener will be given the Topic object of the message. The following additional functions may be useful during debugging: .. autofunction:: isValid .. autofunction:: validate .. autoexception:: TopicDefnError :show-inheritance: **Advanced use:** The following are not typically required but can be useful in certain circumstances, especially during debugging: .. autoclass:: pubsub.core.Listener :noindex: See :py:class:`pubsub.core.Listener` for details. .. autofunction:: pubsub.core.getListenerID Topics ------- In most cases, topics are used by name in dotted string format. The following may be useful for basic pubsub use: .. autoexception:: TopicNameError :show-inheritance: **Advanced use:** Some advanced uses of pubsub, especially (but not only) for debugging a pubsub-based application, could require access to the associated Topic instance, topic tree manager, special topic-related constants, or other helper functions and classes. .. autoclass:: TopicTreeTraverser .. py:data:: ALL_TOPICS Name of topic that is root of topic tree. Subscribe a listener to this topic to get all pubsub messages. Use \**kwargs to receive all message data, regardless of topic. .. py:data:: topicTreeRoot The topic object that is parent of all root topics. The name of this topic is pub.ALL_TOPICS. .. py:data:: topicsMap The dictionary that maps topic names to Topic objects. **Advanced use:** The following are not typically required but can be useful in certain circumstances, such as during debugging: .. autofunction:: getDefaultTopicMgr .. autoclass:: pubsub.core.TopicManager :noindex: See :py:class:`pubsub.core.TopicManager` for details. .. autoclass:: pubsub.core.Topic :noindex: See :py:class:`pubsub.core.Topic` for details. Listener Exception Handling ---------------------------- Listeners that leak exceptions are typically burried deep into the stacktrace, and can cause an application to abort. The following may simplify the task of providing useful error messages from misbehaved listeners, without interrupting the application or even the pubsub send-message: .. autofunction:: getListenerExcHandler() .. autofunction:: setListenerExcHandler(handler) .. autoclass:: IListenerExcHandler .. autoexception:: ExcHandlerError :show-inheritance: See :mod:`pubsub.utils.exchandling` for ready-made exception handlers which may fit your requirements. Pubsub Tracing (aka Notification) ---------------------------------- While debugging an application it may be useful to trap some of pubsub's activity: .. autoclass:: INotificationHandler .. autofunction:: addNotificationHandler(handler) .. autofunction:: clearNotificationHandlers() .. autofunction:: setNotificationFlags(**kwargs) .. autofunction:: getNotificationFlags() See :mod:`pubsub.utils` for some ready-made notification handlers which may fit your requirements. Topic Specification ---------------------- Topic definition, documentation, and MDS: .. autoexception:: TopicDefnError :show-inheritance: .. autofunction:: exportTopicTreeSpec .. autofunction:: setTopicUnspecifiedFatal(newVal=True, checkExisting=True) .. autofunction:: addTopicDefnProvider(providerOrSource, format=None) .. autofunction:: getNumTopicDefnProviders() .. autofunction:: clearTopicDefnProviders() .. autofunction:: instantiateAllDefinedTopics(provider) .. autoexception:: UnrecognizedSourceFormatError :show-inheritance: .. autodata:: TOPIC_TREE_FROM_MODULE Provide to pub.addTopicDefnProvider() as value for format parameter when the source is a module which has been imported. The module can contain any number of classes, the names of which correspond to root topics. .. autodata:: TOPIC_TREE_FROM_CLASS Provide to pub.addTopicDefnProvider() as value for format parameter when the source is a class. The class contains, as nested classes, the root topics (and those contain nested classes for subtopics, etc). .. autodata:: TOPIC_TREE_FROM_STRING Provide to pub.addTopicDefnProvider() as value for format parameter when the source is a string. The string contains Python code that defines one class for each root topic (and those contain nested classes for subtopics, etc). **Developer**: The following are useful to extend the capabilities of pubsub to support more topic definition providers or serialization formats for the builtin provider: .. autoclass:: pubsub.core.ITopicDefnProvider .. autoclass:: pubsub.core.ITopicDefnDeserializer .. autoclass:: pubsub.core.TopicDefnProvider :show-inheritance: