The following classes are useful for advanced use of PyPubSub:
It is not typically necessary to know about or use these: the pub module instantiates a default Publisher, which contains a TopicManager, which generates a Topic object for every topic used. The Publisher instance returns a Listener instance from subscribe, wrapping the given callable with pubsub-relevant meta-data about the callable.
The following subsections provide the documentation for those classes when the kwargs messaging protocol is used (the default). When arg1 is used, the replace any **kwargs by data.
Publisher used for kwargs protocol, ie when sending message data via keyword arguments.
Add a handler for tracing pubsub activity. The handler should be a class that adheres to the API of INotificationHandler.
Remove all notification handlers that were added via self.addNotificationHandler().
Get the listener exception handler that was registered via setListenerExcHandler(), or None of none registered.
Return a dictionary with the notification flag states.
Get the topic manager created for this publisher.
Send a message.
Parameters: |
Set the function to call when a listener raises an exception during a sendMessage(). The handler must adhere to the IListenerExcHandler API.
Set the notification flags on or off for each type of pubsub activity. The kwargs keys can be any of the following:
The kwargs that are None are left at their current value. Those that are False will cause corresponding notification to be silenced. The ‘all’ is set first, then the others. E.g.
mgr.setFlagStates(all=True, delTopic=False)
will toggle all notifications on, but will turn off the ‘delTopic’ notification.
Changes the creation policy for topics.
By default, pubsub will accept topic names for topics that don’t have a message data specification (MDS). This default behavior makes pubsub easier to use initially, but allows topic names with typos to go uncaught in common operations such as sendMessage() and subscribe(). In a large application, this can lead to nasty bugs. Pubsub’s default behavior is equivalent to setTopicUnspecifiedFatal(false).
When called with newVal=True, any future pubsub operation that requires a topic (such as subscribe and sendMessage) will require an MDS; if none is available, pubsub will raise a TopicDefnError exception.
If checkExisting is not given or True, all existing topics are validated. A TopicDefnError exception is raised if one is found to be incomplete (has hasMDS() false).
Returns previous value of newVal.
Note that this method can be used in several ways:
Subscribe listener to named topic. Raises ListenerMismatchError if listener isn’t compatible with the topic’s MDS. Returns (pubsub.core.Listener, success), where success is False if listener was already subscribed. The pub.core.Listener wraps the callable subscribed and provides introspection-based info about the callable.
Note that if ‘subscribe’ notification is on, the handler’s ‘notifySubscribe’ method is called after subscription.
By default (no args given), unsubscribe all listeners from all topics. A listenerFilter can be given so that only the listeners that satisfy listenerFilter(listener) == True will be unsubscribed (with listener being a pub.Listener wrapper instance for each listener subscribed). A topicFilter can also be given so that only topics that satisfy topicFilter(topic name) == True will be affected. If only one topic should have listeners unsubscribed, then a topic name ‘topicName’ can be given instead instead of a topic filter.
Returns the list of all listeners (instances of pub.Listener) that were unsubscribed from the topic tree).
Note: this method will generate one ‘unsubcribe’ notification message (see pub.setNotificationFlags()) for each listener unsubscribed.
Unsubscribe from given topic. Returns the pubsub.core.Listener instance that was used to wrap listener at subscription time. Raises an TopicNameError if topicName doesn’t exist.
Note that if ‘unsubscribe’ notification is on, the handler’s notifyUnsubscribe() method will be called after unsubscribing.
Manages the registry of all topics and creation/deletion of topics.
Note that any method that accepts a topic name can accept it in the ‘dotted’ format such as 'a.b.c.' or in tuple format such as ('a', 'b', 'c'). Any such method will raise a ValueError if name not valid (empty, invalid characters, etc).
Register a topic definition provider. After this method is called, whenever a topic must be created, the first definition provider that has a definition for the required topic is used to instantiate the topic.
If providerOrSource is an instance of ITopicDefnProvider, register it as a provider of topic definitions. Otherwise, register a new instance of TopicDefnProvider(providerOrSource, format). In that case, if format is not given, it defaults to TOPIC_TREE_FROM_MODULE. Either way, returns the instance of ITopicDefnProvider registered.
Check that all topics that have been created for their MDS. Raise a TopicDefnError if one is found that does not have one.
Remove all registered topic definition providers
Delete the named topic, including all sub-topics. Returns False if topic does not exist; True otherwise. Also unsubscribe any listeners of topic and all subtopics.
Get how many topic definitions providers are registered.
Get the Topic instance for topic of given name, creating it (and any of its missing parent topics) as necessary. Pubsub functions such as subscribe() use this to obtain the Topic object corresponding to a topic name.
The name can be in dotted or string format ('a.b.' or ('a','b')).
This method always attempts to return a “complete” topic, i.e. one with a Message Data Specification (MDS). So if the topic does not have an MDS, it attempts to add it. It first tries to find an MDS from a TopicDefnProvider (see addDefnProvider()). If none is available, it attempts to set it from protoListener, if it has been given. If not, the topic has no MDS.
Once a topic’s MDS has been set, it is never again changed or accessed by this method.
# assume no topics exist
# but a topic definition provider has been added via
# pub.addTopicDefnProvider() and has definition for topics 'a' and 'a.b'
# creates topic a and a.b; both will have MDS from the defn provider:
t1 = topicMgr.getOrCreateTopic('a.b')
t2 = topicMgr.getOrCreateTopic('a.b')
assert(t1 is t2)
assert(t1.getParent().getName() == 'a')
def proto(req1, optarg1=None): pass
# creates topic c.d with MDS based on proto; creates c without an MDS
# since no proto for it, nor defn provider:
t1 = topicMgr.getOrCreateTopic('c.d', proto)
The MDS can also be defined via a call to subscribe(listener, topicName), which indirectly calls getOrCreateTopic(topicName, listener).
Get the topic that is parent of all root (ie top-level) topics, for default TopicManager instance created when this module is imported. Some notes:
Get the Topic instance for the given topic name. By default, raises an TopicNameError exception if a topic with given name doesn’t exist. If okIfNone=True, returns None instead of raising an exception.
Get the list of Topic objects that have given listener subscribed. Note: the listener can also get messages from any sub-topic of returned list.
Determine if there is a definition avaiable for topic ‘name’. Return true if there is, false otherwise. Note: a topic may have a definition without being in use, and vice versa.
Determine if topic ‘name’ is in use. True if a Topic object exists for topic name (i.e. message has already been sent for that topic, or a least one listener subscribed), false otherwise. Note: a topic may be in use but not have a definition (MDS and docstring); or a topic may have a definition, but not be in use.
Deprecated legacy method. If topic _name already exists, just returns it and does nothing else. Otherwise, uses getOrCreateTopic() to create it, then sets its description (_desc) and its message data specification (_argDocs and _required). Replaced by getOrCreateTopic().
Represent topics in pubsub. Contains information about a topic, including topic’s message data specification (MDS), the list of subscribed listeners, docstring for the topic. It allows Python-like access to subtopics (e.g. A.B is subtopic B of topic A).
Get the MDS docstrings for each of the spedified kwargs.
Get a map of keyword names to docstrings: documents each MDS element.
Returns a pair (reqdArgs, optArgs) where reqdArgs is tuple of names of required message arguments, optArgs is tuple of names for optional arguments. If topic args not specified yet, returns (None, None).
Return the ‘docstring’ of topic
Get a copy of list of listeners subscribed to this topic. Safe to iterate over while listeners get un/subscribed from this topics (such as while sending a message).
Get an iterator over listeners subscribed to this topic. Do not use if listeners can be un/subscribed while iterating.
Return dotted form of full topic name
Return tuple form of full topic name
Return the last part of the topic name (has no dots)
Return number of listeners currently subscribed to topic. This is different from number of listeners that will get notified since more general topics up the topic tree may have listeners.
Get Topic object that is parent of self (i.e. self is a subtopic of parent). Return none if self is the “all topics” topic.
Get the specified subtopic object. The relName can be a valid subtopic name, a dotted-name string, or a tuple.
Get a list of Topic instances that are subtopics of self.
Return true if listener is subscribed to this topic.
Return true if there are any listeners subscribed to this topic, false otherwise.
Return true if this topic has a message data specification (MDS).
Return true only if name is a subtopic of self. If name not specified, return true only if self has at least one subtopic.
Returns true if this topic is the ‘all topics’ topic. All root topics behave as though they are child of that topic.
Returns true if this is a “root” topic, false otherwise. A root topic is a topic whose name contains no dots and which has pub.ALL_TOPICS as parent.
Return True only if listener could be subscribed to this topic, otherwise returns False. Note that method raises TopicDefnError if self not hasMDS().
Set the docstring for each MDS datum.
Set the ‘docstring’ of topic
Specify the message data for topic messages. :param argsDocs: a dictionary of keyword names (message data name) and data ‘docstring’; cannot be None :param required: a list of those keyword names, appearing in argsDocs, which are required (all others are assumed optional)
Can only be called if this info has not been already set at construction or in a previous call. :raise RuntimeError: if MDS already set at construction or previous call.
Subscribe listener to this topic. Returns a pair (pub.Listener, success). The success is true only if listener was not already subscribed and is now subscribed.
Unsubscribe the specified listener from this topic. Returns the pub.Listener object associated with the listener that was unsubscribed, or None if the specified listener was not subscribed to this topic. Note that this method calls notifyUnsubscribe(listener, self) on all registered notification handlers (see pub.addNotificationHandler).
Clears list of subscribed listeners. If filter is given, it must be a function that takes a listener and returns true if the listener should be unsubscribed. Returns the list of Listener for listeners that were unsubscribed.
Checks whether listener could be subscribed to this topic: if yes, just returns; if not, raises ListenerMismatchError. Note that method raises TopicDefnError if self not hasMDS().
Wraps a callable so it can be stored by weak reference and introspected to verify that it adheres to a topic’s MDS.
A Listener instance has the same hash value as the callable that it wraps.
Callables that have ‘argName=pub.AUTO_TOPIC’ as a kwarg will be given the Topic object for the message sent by sendMessage(). Such a Listener will have wantsTopicObjOnCall() True.
Callables that have a ‘**kargs’ argument will receive all message data, not just that for the topic they are subscribed to. Such a listener will have wantsAllMessageData() True.
Get the listener that was given at initialization. Note that this could be None if it has been garbage collected (e.g. if it was created as a wrapper of some other callable, and not stored locally).
Return True if this listener died (has been garbage collected)
Get the module in which the callable was defined.
Return a human readable name for listener, based on the listener’s type name and its id (as obtained from id(listener)). If caller just needs name based on type info, specify instance=False. Note that the listener’s id() was saved at construction time (since it may get garbage collected at any time) so the return value of name() is not necessarily unique if the callable has died (because id’s can be re-used after garbage collection).
Get a type name for the listener. This is a class name or function name, as appropriate.
True if this listener wants all message data: it has a **kwargs argument
True if this listener wants topic object: it has a arg=pub.AUTO_TOPIC