Python PubSub Website

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Pubsub’s Setup Modules

Kwargs Messaging Protocol

The kwargs protocol is defined as follows:

  • the transport of all topic message data occurs via keyword arguments in sendMessage(); the argument names must be the same for all sendMessage() for a given topic.
  • the listener’s parameters must be named the same as the keyword arguments used in sendMessage()
  • subtopics can only extend the list of argument names accepted

Example: assume a topic ‘someTopic’ and subtopic ‘someTopic.subTopic’:

from pubsub import pub

def listener(hi): assert msg == 123
pub.subscribe(listener, 'someTopic')

def listener2(hi, foo): assert hi == 123; assert foo = 'bar'
pub.subscribe(listener2, 'someTopic.subTopic')

pub.sendMessage('someTopic.subTopic', hi=123, foo='bar')

Arg1 Messaging Protocol

This protocol is defined as follows:

  • the transport of all topic message data occurs as one user-defined Python object, stored in the .data attribute of the object received by listeners
  • the listener must accept being called as f(message)


from pubsub import setuparg1
from pubsub import pub
def listener(msg): assert['hi'] == 123
data = dict('hi':123, ...)
pub.sendMessage('someTopic', data)