High-level changelog. For details, consult the SVN logs.
- added some docs
- more configurable importTopicTree
- using importTopicTree now allows to use the topic hierarchy as topic names instead of
string, thereby enabling python editors to support pubsub-based development via
code completion and sendMessage keyword arguments.
- cleanup docs
- couple minor tweaks (for instance added pub.getMsgProtocol())
- Import/export of topic tree and its documentation using Python interpreter
- Better support for evolving topic tree during application development,
with “freezing” certain parts of tree
- Helper functions to transition from arg1 to kwargs messaging protocol
- Improved error messages (in exceptions raised)
- pubsub can be installed inside other packages and will not interfere with
system-wide pubsub
- pubsubconf module moved inside pubsub package so manual install easier
- Support !**kwargs in listeners
- Support for more than one pubusb notification handler
- Multiple publisher engines in one application (for instance, in separate
threads, or for different “domains” in a large application)
- Upgraded docs
- Bug fixes, cleanup
- Use keyword arguments in sendMessage
- Support any kind of listener, not just those with one unnamed argument
- Validate listeners at subscription time
- Support “inheritance” of keyword arguments by subtopics during
message sending (prevents a common bug which was to send data using
wrong argument names).
- Topic tree can be documented (including topic message arguments)
- Support user-defined notification handling of certain events occuring in
pubsub such as “subscribe”, “sendMessage”.
- Support user-defined exception handling of exceptions raised by
- Proto-Documentation on own website using Sphinx
- Separate regression testing folder for nose-based automated testing
- Configuration module for choosing which pubsub API to use in application,
useful for backwards compatibility
- more Pythonic API (new PublisherClass API, at module level
so easier to call – no need to know about singleton)
- Support definition of topic tree via a python class, for increased
rigor and documentability of topics
- Topics are objects
- Given its own “home” as separate package from wxPython’s wx.lib.pubsub
- Factored out weakmethod
- Put on Cheese Shop
- Created by Rob Shecter in wxPython’s wx.lib (early 2000?)
- Weakmethod added by Oliver Schoenborn (2004)
- Further development transfered to Schoenborn (2004)